Sinusitis can happen several times throughout life due to different causes, such as infection by the flu virus or allergies, for example, leading to the appearance of very uncomfortable symptoms, such as head and face pain, nasal congestion and fever above 38º C, for example.
Thus, to cure sinusitis more quickly, you must eliminate what is causing the inflammation and follow here some simple tips to relieve symptoms and facilitate the healing and recovery of each crisis, such as:
1. Humidify the air
Using a humidifier or simply placing a bucket of warm water inside the rooms of the house is an excellent way to humidify the air, making it less dry.
This tip is especially useful at night to facilitate sleep and to avoid waking up with a stuffy nose, for example.
2. Use saline to clean your nose
Putting a few drops of saline inside each nostril helps to eliminate dirt and the accumulation of secretions, as it fluidized the phlegm, making it easier to remove. Thus, the ideal is not to inhale the serum, but to blow your nose right afterwards.
3. Use homemade saline
Adding 1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of filtered or mineral water and applying this mixture inside your nose is also a homemade way to end sinusitis discomfort. Thus it is possible to remove a good amount of phlegm and impurities leaving the nose unclogged easily.
4. Inhale herbal vapors
Putting some chamomile or eucalyptus leaves and flowers in a basin with hot water is also an excellent way to relieve nasal congestion caused by sinusitis. Then you can also put a damp cloth that is still warm on your face, as this will also help to improve breathing faster.
5. Drink more water
A natural way to humidify the sinuses, being a great help in case of dry sinusitis is to consume more fluids, especially water or unsweetened teas. Thus all tissues of the body are more hydrated, including the nasal mucosa.
6. Eat warm meals
Soups and broths are good options for lunch and dinner as long as symptoms of sinusitis are present. These dishes help to unclog the nose and reduce pain and irritation of the nasal mucosa.
7. Get enough rest
Faced with a sinusitis crisis, it is recommended to rest or at least to get adequate rest. Sleeping late and waking up always tired can indicate that you are not getting enough rest.
During treatment it is indicated to avoid efforts and to do physical activity with very intense workouts. 20-minute hikes may be welcome if they are done in an airy, wooded place, but if your sinusitis is caused by an allergy, this may not be a good option, and staying at home may be a better choice.
When to take medicine
Remedies such as nasal decongestant or antihistamine can be indicated when you cannot control sinusitis with homemade methods for 7 to 10 days.
The doctor may also recommend the use of corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories or antibiotics to use for 5 to 7 days, depending on the need, and if there are other symptoms such as fever, or if the person has asthma or some other respiratory disease that may worsen due to sinusitis.
What can cause chronic sinusitis
Although, in most cases, sinusitis is cured after treatment and takes a long time to reappear, there are people who suffer from chronic sinusitis, which appears several times throughout the year and whose symptoms last longer.
Generally, this type of sinusitis is caused by causes that are not easy to eliminate and, therefore, are constantly irritating the sinuses and causing the problem to arise.
The main causes of chronic sinusitis are:
● Respiratory allergies, such as allergies to animal hair or dust;
● Cigarette smoke;
● Autoimmune diseases that weaken the immune system.
In addition, some people may even have polyps in their nose or other anatomical problems that facilitate the development of sinusitis. In such cases, the doctor may recommend surgery to solve the problem, which ends up being the cure for the problem. However, this surgery does not prevent sinusitis from recurring due to other cases, such as allergies or infection by the flu virus, for example. Learn how to identify and treat chronic sinusitis.
How to treat chronic sinusitis
In the vast majority of cases of chronic sinusitis, in addition to medication, treatment must also involve lifestyle changes to try to avoid the causes that may be causing sinus inflammation. Some of these changes include quitting smoking, avoiding being polluted, and keeping your home clean and dust-free at all times.