
The Top 3 Things Every Successful Business Leader should put aside


Can you dive into deep water without knowing the swimming? Needless to say, no. you have to be an expert swimmer before jumping into deep water and need to learn all the techniques and tips for that. Similarly, can you be a successful leader without knowing the traits and skills required for it? People usually focus on enhancing their skills, but they forget to consider the things that they need to avoid being a successful professional.

Dominating attitude and believing you know everything:

You may score well in statistics but did you always scored well in other subjects like biology or accounts. People have different areas of interest and expertise level. Not all are perfect. You are holding a position in an organization that does not mean that you are perfect.

As a human you cannot have the expertise level in all the departments, accept it, and delegate work to every team member.

You are a leader; you have the power but mind your attitude as a leader. Never impose your instructions and knowledge on others rather asks for their opinions. This will not only bring satisfaction among the employees but you will get the pool of ideas.

Do not give constructive feedback:

Are you finding the opportunities to humiliate the employees or have the favoritism approach, then you are a poor leader and be ready to face the music because employees will not follow you rather start to look for a job change. A high attrition rate only leads to more cost in hiring employees; it creates a bad image of the organization and impacts on the smooth functioning of the company.

Start appreciating the hard work of the employees and start to provide feedback on the positive and polite note so that they become the high-performing staff.

Successful leaders know that everyone hopes for admiration and recognition, and they take the time to generate useful and effective feedback. When done well and in a helpful manner, feedback can transform an average employee into a high-performing, exceptional worker, says Deep Patel a serial entrepreneur, investor, and writer.

Not listening to the employees:

You are a professional having a hectic schedule but still, you manage your routine and love to spare some time with the family and children. What happens if you start ignoring your child and don’t want to listen to them? They may develop the inferiority complex and can prove dangerous for the child’s future.

A good leader like Richard Warke and others has to take care of the employees if they want them to take care of the work. They encourage the meeting weekly, and the interactive sessions where they can know what the employees perceive of the organization. Richard Warke has spent more than 25 years in the International resource sector and has the strong leadership qualities and better insights of the variable that is required for the project to succeed like favorable geology and metallurgy, funding and technical expertise, skilled labor, social license, and many others.

They work on the employees’ grievances and embrace any suggestions they put in. They encourage any transformation required by the employee so that the organization can achieve its goal.

Angel Lucero

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