
Nootropics drugs to improve intellectual performance!


Nootropics are substances that stimulate our cognitive capacity. The Nootropics are used by men for thousands of years (coffee, chocolate and tobacco), and currently numerous new compounds with improved efficiency were discovered. The effects of cognitive enhancement can be varied, such as improving memory, learning, attention, concentration, problem solving, reasoning, social skills, decision making and planning.

You can read online Qualia reviews to understand how exactly a particular smart drug can enhance your brainpower. Research on these substances was initially aimed at individuals with mental disabilities. Subsequently, research was carried out on healthy individuals.  Nootropics can be natural or synthetic substances.

Who can use smart drugs?

Modafinil (improves alertness) is available to combat personnel serving in various armed forces (always under medical supervision and well-defined circumstances). Workers on long-distance transportation routes are inexorably associated with the use of stimulants (mainly amphetamines) to cope with the demands of work. Shift workers, including those in the emergency services and medical-health care, are also associated with the consumption of smart drugs to increase performance, the purpose of which is to maintain alertness and cope with the work.

Other groups of workers immersed in high-pressure work cultures, such as merchants, academics and lawyers, are associated with the use of these drugs for various reasons, including coping with the demands of the job, improving productivity, etc. There is also evidence of the use of ‘study drugs’ such as Modafinil and Ritalin among students as an aid to improving attention, concentration, and retentive ability. The use of these substances is increasing not only in universities, but also in high schools. Those students who have already used performance-enhancing drugs are more likely to continue using them as they enter the world of work over time.

Effects on workers and work

Cognitive drugs provide a stimulus to the central nervous system. In general, they can induce a certain degree of alertness or the ability to concentrate on a task. The effects and duration of which will depend on the dose and the treatment-consumption period, although these parameters are always subject to individual consumer differences. Do not forget to read online reviews before buying smart drugs. Always consult with your doctor.

The effects of these drugs have been evaluated in patients with health problems, but there are no studies with healthy users. The results of these studies do not show consensus regarding the potential improvement that the drugs would induce in healthy people, nor do they agree on the side effects, both short and long term, including the addictive potential.

The result when you become addicted to it

Given that the consumption of substances capable of improving performance is largely beyond prescription and medical advice, the doses are also outside of any supervision. Individual tolerance to drugs usually grows over time, which is a problem for workers who increase their doses and the possibilities of adverse side effects occur.

Although performance-enhancing drugs concentrate their effects on the cognitive area, they also have physical and emotional effects that cannot be underestimated. The physical effects are better known than the cognitive-emotional ones. The resulting adverse consequences can pose a risk to both the organization and the workers involved, with different scope and impact.

However, it is a reality

Traditionally, the use of many drugs was recreational. The consumption of Nootropics (cognitive drugs) raises the reality of the consumption of substances to improve work performance. Nootropics are supposed to increase the mental capacity of their consumers. Its consumption grows. Shift change sleep disorders are a categorized diagnosis in the United States for which medical treatment with Modafinil is approved to restore alertness, when needed. Determining the prevalence of cognitive enhancers is difficult, especially due to off-label use and online sales. However, the existence of specific groups of doping substance in the world of work is undeniable.

Angel Lucero

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