Unemployment is one of the major crises that haunt black people. However, even a fall in the employment rate could put the black people into great trouble since they settle for fewer wages and no stability. They get no choice on their basic needs such as education, job, health care, and more. They either have to settle for less or have nothing. This situation is one of the most horrifying things about being black in a society that ill-treats people based on their skin color. This issue becomes more problematic while considering Hispanic and black women as their struggles do not start from employment. The hurdles that these women face are more than what black men go through. The employment report of Friday stated that there would be a significant recovery in the economy of the United States with the addition of nearly 379,000 jobs. Do see: hire black website
It will cause a massive fall in the unemployment rate of about 6.2%. However, this unemployment rate is not shared equally between black and white Americans. The rate of employment was low for black men compared to white. As we discussed earlier, the rate was worse for Hispanic and black women. The rate of recovery was slow in the labor market of the country. It was even slower for African Americans. We can see the rate of unemployment among black people increasing while there is a significant decline among white Americans. The report of Friday’s jobs proves the statement that we mentioned above. As of February, we could see that the rate of employment decreased almost 5.6% for white Americans. However, there seems to be no sunshine in the lives of Hispanic and black workers. Out of the total percentage of people who reported unemployed, nearly 10% were black, and 8.5% were Hispanic. Also see: black hiring job portal
Gender and race are two prime causes for the helpless state of black people. While black men face racial exploitation, black women face gender quality along with it. The prevailing pandemic put the Hispanic and black women in a deeper pit that feels impossible to climb. They had to face a colossal drop in the labor force and a humungous hike in the rates of unemployment ever since the outbreak of the unclassified virus. The employment rate of black women has gone down approximately 9.7% when compared to the rate recorded in the month of February last year. The employment rate of Hispanic women fell nearly 8.6%. Kate Bahn, a prominent economist, stated that anyone who takes the hardest hit takes a significantly longer time to recover from it.
A political consultant named John Podesta said that it might take years for the income and employment levels to recover completely. Apparently, the ones that got the hardest hit were the Hispanic and black women, and their recovery will definitely take years at this pace. Initially, the black women had to stay home to take care of their children and, schools came to their rescue. However, the pandemic forces us to stay locked down at our houses and, black kids are no exception. This situation has worsened the state of Hispanic and black women that has to make a living. The plights of black single mothers remain unimaginable.