
5 Ways Organizations can encourage Philanthropy in the Workplace


There are various ways by which an organization can promote philanthropy in the workplace. Some of them are:

Make it an event:

Donations to charity must be part of the corporate culture. It’s also great from a marketing perspective. The public wants companies to care for the community by joining a charity or launching their campaign to donate their time and money. People can be excited to give back to society systematically through charity campaigns and events. You can join or start your charity event. It’s a great way to build a cohesive team of employees who come together in good faith, but it’s a great way to show your community the image of philanthropy. Employees and people in the city view the company as ethical and look at you more positively.

Get to know the charities that employees like:

If you plan to donate to a charity, it is essential to be an organization that makes employees passionate before granting. Answer the employee survey to find out which one you like. From that list, choose one that fits your company’s goals, or have a program that makes it fun for employees to spend their time and money. The charity or donation must be easy to handle, and the gift must be the actual use of the award.

Philanthropy in any shape and form is always positive, but social initiatives that encourage team members to work together have a stronger ripple effect on company culture than those that just ask for monetary contributions, says Chirag Kulkarni, CMO of Medly, a digital pharmacy in New York City.

More than money:

Your company’s matching program can encourage employees to donate money, but it doesn’t have to be cash. Encourage employees to spend time on the organization by providing volunteers and technical services. Some may want to provide financial support for a good cause, while others may want to volunteer for time or service.

Encourage volunteers:

When employees are encouraged to volunteer or receive rewards through the company, they are more likely to spend in the community. Some companies participate in programs that allow them to organize volunteers regularly. Companies can also reward contributions of time, money, or effort throughout their business. Companies that encourage philanthropy include employees who boast of being part of the community and are part of their valuable charities. 

As an active philanthropist, G Scott Paterson co-founded Toronto’s Merry Go Round Children’s Foundation in 1997 and currently serves as its Chairman. Business leaders like G. Scott Paterson and other global executives and organizations are committed to improving the communities around them and realize the value corporate social responsibility has on improving their company’s bottom line.

Set a good example:

Employees giving back to the community would like to thank their employers for showing good examples of their donations. When encouraging employees to donate gifts to homeless children during vacations, it is important to match or exceed those gifts. Whenever we encourage employees to give cash, we need to match those donations. As a boss, you can volunteer with an employee who respects you and is proud of the company you return to very generously.

Companies that encourage philanthropy in the workplace are meant to attract employees with the same ideals. These employees are loyal and work hard for companies that they believe work hard to fulfil their philanthropic and ethical responsibilities. Helping underprivileged people is great, and you can highlight your business as caring for the community. In this way you can encourage your employees to do work harder in life to gain results.

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